On Tuesday, the EPA’s top air official, Gina McCarthy, indicated that the “Tailoring Rule” for regulation of greenhouse gases (“GHGs”) from stationary sources will be finalized “hopefully” later this month.  The “Tailoring Rule,” as previously reported, is the rule that would help “tailor” the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (“PSD”) program to GHG emissions from stationary sources following the promulgation of the GHG standards for automobiles, issued a few days ago.  EPA had previously indicated that the tailoring rule would be issued at the same time as the automobile rule, but the tailoring rule is evidently not ready at this time.  
EPA says it has more time to promulgate the tailoring rule than previously anticipated given EPA’s recent determination that regulation of GHGs under the PSD program would not commence until the beginning of next year, as opposed to mid-this year as previously anticipated.  More time is also evidently needed because EPA is refashioning the rule from the proposed version to set forth different targets and timetables for GHG regulation.