On March 2, 2011, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (“NERC”) announced the formation of a Cyber Attack Task Force to address what effects a coordinated cyber attack would have on the bulk power system. The task force was formed as a result of a June 2010 joint report from NERC and the Department of Energy (“DOE”).  The task force is part of NERC’s Coordinated Action Plan.

The Cyber Attack Task Force is made up of industry professionals and chaired by Mark Engels, the director of Information Technology Risk Management at Dominion Resources.  The task force will identify the vulnerabilities of the bulk power system and implement mechanisms to better protect it.  The task force will also develop flexible options so system operators can better identify the threat of a cyber attack on the bulk power system, and then provide solutions and procedures to prevent the attacks. 

A copy of the NERC Press Release is available here.