On March 31, 2016 the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (“NERC”) submitted to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC” or the “Commission”) the 2016 NERC Standards Report, Status and Timetable for Addressing Regulatory Directives (the “Report”). The Report was submitted in compliance with NERC’s requirement to submit an annual report detailing the status and timetable for addressing outstanding regulatory directives on or before March 31 of each year.
In the Report, NERC explained that the Commission had issued a total of 819 separate directives related to NERC Reliability Standards since the Commission certified NERC as the Electric Reliability Organization in 2006. NERC reported that, as of March 2016, it had addressed 773 (94.4%) of the 819 total directives, and that NERC “continues to make substantial progress in addressing the remaining 46 directives.” According to NERC, “[a]ll directives are targeted for completion by mid-2017.”
A copy of the Report can be found here.