On February 15, 2017, the PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. (“PJM”) Board authorized more than $1.5 billion in electric transmission projects in the PJM-region as part of the Regional Transmission Enhancement Plan process. According to PJM President and CEO Andy Ott, the current round of project approvals addresses “the growing need to replace aging infrastructure, energy efficiency, and the resulting reduction in the growth of demand for electricity.” Both the list of approved projects and the proposed cost allocation for each project will be the subject of future filings with FERC.

PJM states in its press release that it has authorized more than $30.8 billion in transmission additions and upgrades since its first approval in 2000. The current round of approvals includes projects in areas served by Dominion, Metropolitan Edison, Pennsylvnia Power and Light, Public Service Enterprise Group, American Electric Power, and Duke Energy Ohio and Kentucky. A copy of PJM’s press release can be found at PJM’s online Newsroom.