On Tuesday, President Barack Obama renominated Commissioner Suedeen Kelly to serve for a third term on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC” or the “Commission”). The term would expire June 30, 2014.

Kelly joined the Commission in November 2003, and in December 2004, was confirmed to a second term, which expired at the end of last month. She has continued to serve under a grace period that runs through the end of the current congressional session. The United States Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources must approve the nomination.

Kelly has been actively involved in smart grid issues, and on July 23, 2009, she testified before the House Energy and Environment Subcommittee, stating that new legislation is needed to make smart grid standards mandatory. Under the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, the standards will be developed by the National Institute for Standards and Technology, and then approved by FERC. Kelly said that under current law, those standards will not be mandatory and that FERC’s enforcement authority will be limited. She said that Congress needs to act to ensure that all relevant entities comply with smart grid standards.