On December 23, 2009, Google Energy LLC (“Google Energy”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Google Inc. (“Google”), applied for market-based rate authority from FERC.  Google Energy’s application was noticed in the Federal Register on January 5, 2010.

On December 16, 2009, Google formed Google Energy, a Delaware Company, to seek out and cultivate different methods for managing energy costs for Google.  Google has long expressed interest in investing in renewable energy companies and staying committed to carbon neutrality.  Google Energy’s application at FERC is another step toward reaching these goals.

If Google Energy’s application is approved by FERC, Google Energy would have the authority to sell electricity, energy and other services and products at market-based rates.  Google Energy also proposed in its application to become a power marketer by buying and reselling electricity to wholesale customers.  According to the application, Google Energy would possibly engage in other, non-jurisdictional activities, such as arranging transmission and fuel-supplying services. 

Google Energy’s application can be found under Docket No. ER10-468 at FERC’s website at www.ferc.gov.