The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”) for the most part turned back requests for rehearing regarding the Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator, Inc.’s (“MISO”) Multi-Value-Project (“MVP”) cost allocation plan.  The October 21, 2011 Order granted rehearing on some minor issues, but rejected the bulk of the arguments regarding the crux of the plan, which is to socialize the costs of major new transmission projects across the entire MISO footprint.  Normally, parties seeking appeal would have 60 days in which to file a Notice of Appeal.  Notably, several parties have acted almost immediately, with several Notices of Appeal having been submitted to the D.C. Circuit and the Seventh Circuit in the two weeks since the October 21, 2011 order was issued.  The appeals will be consolidated in either the Seventh or D.C. Circuits.  To date, the judiciary has not yet taken action.  This development bears monitoring because the Seventh Circuit recently rejected FERC approval of a PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. (“PJM”) regional cost allocation plan because the record did not support the assignment of costs to certain parties.  Thus, some parties adversely affected by the MISO order may be hoping that the case is consolidated and heard in the Seventh Circuit.