On February 17, 2012, FERC issued notice of a technical conference on Reactive Power Capability. The technical conference is being held to consider potential issues regarding the need for reactive power capability among newly interconnecting asynchronous generators and the need and efficacy of continuing the process established for wind resources under Order No. 661-A. The conference will be held on April 17, 2012 at the Commission’s headquarters. Those interested in speaking at the conference should notify the Commission by close of business March 9, 2012 by completing an online form, available here. The conference will also be available by transcript and webcast. Discussion items will include: the technical and economic characteristics of different types of reactive power resources, including synchronous and asynchronous generation resources, transmission resources and energy storage resources; the design options for and cost of installing reactive power equipment at the time of interconnection, as well as retrofitting a resource with reactive power equipment; other means by which reactive power is currently secured such as self-supply; and the analysis of a technology that is capable of providing reactive power, but may not be subject to the generation interconnection process (e.g., FACTs).
For a copy of the notice, click here.
For a copy of Order No. 661-A, click here.