On February 23, 2012, FERC staff issued a request for comments on proposed metrics to measure performance in regions outside of Regional Transmission Organizations (“RTO”) and Independent Systems Operators (“ISO”). FERC, working in conjunction with the Edison Electric Institute and its members, has started the process of developing these metrics that will measure performance in regions outside of RTOs and ISOs. These metrics are based upon metrics that were previously developed to measure performance within the regions of RTOs and ISOs.
Staff has specifically requested comment on whether the proposed performance metrics will effectively track the performance of markets outside of RTOs and ISOs.
Comments are due 60 days after the issuance of the request (February 23, 2012) with reply comments due 15 days later. FERC anticipates 11 respondents in its burden estimate.
The docket number is AD12-8-000 and a copy of the request for comment can be found here.