On May 17, 2012, with a 4-0 vote, FERC denied rehearing on its landmark transmission planning and cost allocation rule, Order No. 1000, and issued Order No. 1000-A on Rehearing and Clarification. A detailed summary of Order No. 1000-A is available here.
“Order No. 1000 is a call for those within each region to work together to find efficient and cost-effective solutions that meet particular region’s needs. We recognize that there shouldn’t be a one-size-fits-all solution so we allowed significant regional flexibility in meeting the requirements of the Final Rule.” Commissioner John Norris stated. Commissioner Norris continued, “[m]y hope is that today’s order provides entities that must comply and other stakeholders much needed guidance and certainty as they work through that process.”
Commissioner Cheryl LaFleur commented on Order No. 1000-A saying, “Our nation is making a substantial investment in its interstate transmission network. Transmission is needed to strengthen reliability, reduce congestion costs, and connect new resources driven by state and federal public policy requirements. I continue to believe that the Commission’s rule on planning and cost allocation will help ensure that the most efficient and cost-effective transmission solutions are the ones that are chosen and constructed. I am pleased to support today’s Order.”
A copy of Commissioners Norris and LaFleur’s full statements are available here and here.