On April 11, 2016, FERC initiated a new proceeding requesting comments regarding organized market rules for electric storage resources. FERC simultaneously issued letters to each of the six RTOs/ISOs (Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc., New York Independent System Operator, PJM Interconnection, L.L.C., Southwest Power Pool, Inc., ISO New England, Inc., and California Independent System Operator Corporation) seeking information from each regarding potential barriers that would prevent electric storage resources from participating in capacity, energy, and ancillary service markets within each RTO/ISO.

According to FERC’s request for comments, FERC is particularly interested in “the eligibility of electric storage resources to participate in the RTO and ISO markets, the technical qualification and performance requirements for market participants, required bid parameters, and the treatment of electric storage resources when they are receiving electricity for later injection to the grid.” FERC’s request for comments also includes an attachment further describing the types of information it is seeking within these particular areas. Similarly, the data requests sent to each of the RTOs/ISOs asks for similar information and data on the same topics.

FERC’s request for comments expressly acknowledges that comments may be submitted after the RTOs/ISOs respond to FERC’s data requests. FERC set a May 2, 2016 deadline for the RTOs/ISOs to respond to the data requests, while comments from interested participants are not due until May 23, 2016.

A copy of FERC’s request for comments can be found here. Each of FERC’s letters to the various RTOs/ISOs can be found in FERC Docket No. AD16-20.