On January 28, 2025, FERC accepted the New York Independent System Operator, Inc.’s (“NYISO”) proposed revisions to its Market Administration and Control Area Services Tariff (“Services Tariff”).  The revisions define the demand curves in the Installed Capacity (“ICAP”) Market for the 2025/2026 Capability Year and implement a quadrennial process, known as the Demand Curve reset (“DCR”), which outlines the methodologies and inputs for subsequent annual updates to the ICAP Demand Curves for the 2026/2027, 2027/2028, and 2028/2029 Capability Years.    

On September 10, 2024, FERC issued an Order denying two complaints.  The first complaint was filed on January 23, 2023 by Montana-Dakota Utilities Company (“MDU”) against Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc. (“MISO”) and Southwest Power Pool, Inc. (“SPP”).  The second complaint was filed on March 8, 2024 by MISO against

On June 27, 2024, FERC accepted Midcontinent Independent System Operator Inc.’s (“MISO”) proposed tariff revisions that sought to implement a downward-sloping Reliability Based Demand Curve (“RBDC”) in the MISO Planning Resource Auction (“Auction”) beginning with the 2025/2026 Planning Year.  FERC determined that MISO’s proposal is not only consistent with its acceptance of similar sloped curves in other Regional Transmission Owners/Independent System Operators capacity markets but that MISO’s proposal to adopt a downward-sloping RBDC will reduce volatility in Auction Clearing Prices, increase the stability of the capacity revenue stream over time, and render capacity investments less risky, thereby encouraging greater investment and at a lower financing cost.

On March 12, 2024, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit upheld a prospective rule change to PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.’s (“PJM”) annual capacity auction but struck down attempts by PJM and FERC to apply the rule change to the ongoing auction held in December 2022.  Although the rule change permits PJM to adjust the Locational Deliverability Area (“LDA”) Reliability Requirement downward to reflect the lack of participation in the December 2022 auction by certain resources to correct for distortions to the auction results, the Third Circuit held that FERC could not permit the change to go into effect in the middle of an ongoing auction.

On January 30, 2024, FERC approved, subject to condition, PJM’s proposal to reform its Reliability Pricing Model, including resource adequacy risk modeling, capacity accreditation, testing requirements for capacity resources, and the Capacity Performance stop loss (“Modeling Enhancements Filing”). In that same order, FERC approved PJM’s proposal to replace its previously effective average Effective Load Carrying Capability (“ELCC”) capacity accreditation method with a marginal approach, effective December 12, 2023. The order directed PJM to submit a compliance filing to make certain revisions to its proposal, which PJM subsequently submitted on February 16, 2024. Additionally, on February 6, 2024, FERC rejected a companion PJM proposal to modify the rules governing its Market Seller Offer Cap and Capacity Performance construct and adopt a forward-looking Energy and Ancillary Service (“EAS”) offset for purposes of calculating the Minimum Offer Price Rule (“MOPR”) and offer cap.

On December 19, 2023, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit (“Sixth Circuit”), in Electric Power Supply Association; PJM Power Providers Group v. FERC, held that the former Chair of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”), Richard Glick, exceeded his authority when he reinstated market design features including a stepped demand curve and an $850/MWh price ceiling for the PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. (“PJM”) Reserve Market, without the backing of his colleagues.  This ruling was made by a split Sixth Circuit.  In addition, on February 7, the Sixth Circuit denied Petitioners’ request for panel rehearing of the opinion.

On December 20, 2023, FERC approved the California Independent System Operator Corporation’s (“CAISO”) proposal to establish the Extended Day Ahead Market (“EDAM”), which allows external Balancing Authority Areas (“BAAs”) to participate in CAISO’s day-ahead market. FERC also approved CAISO’s Day Ahead Market Enhancements (“DAME”) proposal, which establishes two new day-ahead market products: Imbalance Reserves and Reliability Capacity. FERC approved the CAISO’s proposals but rejected the proposed EDAM access charge without prejudice. CAISO must submit a compliance filing addressing FERC’s conditions within sixty (60) days of the Order.

On December 1, 2023, the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit (“Third Circuit”) upheld PJM Interconnection, L.L.C.’s (“PJM”) latest minimum offer price rule (the “Focused MOPR”), denying challenges to both the substance of the rule and FERC’s “constructive” approval of the rule, which went into effect after the Commissioners deadlocked two-to-two and failed to issue a timely order accepting or denying the Focused MOPR. The Third Circuit held that a court’s review of FERC’s “action,” whether actual or constructive, proceeds under the same deferential standards in the Federal Power Act (“FPA”) and the Administrative Procedure Act (“APA”), and encompasses the Commissioners’ mandatory statements setting forth their reasoning for approving or denying the filing. On the merits, the Third Circuit held that FERC’s acceptance of PJM’s Focused MOPR policy was not arbitrary and capricious, pointing to arguments laid out in then-Chairman Glick’s and Commissioner Clements’ Joint Statement supporting the Focused MOPR.

On October 13, 2023, PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. (“PJM”) submitted two filings with FERC proposing revisions to its Open Access Transmission Tariff (“Tariff”) and its “Reliability Assurance Agreement” (“RAA”) designed to improve resource adequacy and grid reliability. PJM requested the Commission to accept both filings concurrently, with an effective date of December 12, 2023, so that PJM may implement the proposed reforms for the upcoming Base Residual Auction (“BRA”) associated with the 2025/2026 Delivery Year.