On January 24, 2025, FERC reinstated a certificate of public convenience and necessity (“CPCN”) for Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company’s (“Transco”) Regional Energy Access Expansion Project (“Project”) after the D.C. Circuit vacated and remanded FERC’s initial order certificating the Project (“Certificate Order”).

In January 2023, FERC granted Transco a CPCN

On January 24, 2025, FERC withdrew its 2022 draft Greenhouse Gas (“GHG”) Policy Statement and terminated the associated proceeding. FERC determined that, after reviewing the entire record, issues concerning GHG emissions are better analyzed on a case-by-case basis when raised by parties in proceedings. Commissioners Phillips, Rosner, and Chang issued a joint concurrence noting that, although FERC is withdrawing its draft GHG Policy Statement, FERC still considers GHG emissions under its National Environmental Policy Act (“NEPA”) analysis and balances project benefits with potential adverse consequences under the Natural Gas Act (“NGA”).

On January 28, 2025, FERC accepted the New York Independent System Operator, Inc.’s (“NYISO”) proposed revisions to its Market Administration and Control Area Services Tariff (“Services Tariff”).  The revisions define the demand curves in the Installed Capacity (“ICAP”) Market for the 2025/2026 Capability Year and implement a quadrennial process, known as the Demand Curve reset (“DCR”), which outlines the methodologies and inputs for subsequent annual updates to the ICAP Demand Curves for the 2026/2027, 2027/2028, and 2028/2029 Capability Years.    

On December 5, 2024, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”) approved Public Service Electric and Gas Company’s settlement agreement (“PSE&G”) to pay a $6.6 million civil penalty to resolve an ongoing investigation with FERC’s Office of Enforcement (“FERC Enforcement”). According to FERC’s order, the underlying investigation involved PSE&G’s alleged failure to provide full and accurate information when seeking approval from PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. (“PJM”) to replace a transmission line in New Jersey as part of the PJM Regional Transmission Expansion Plan (“RTEP”) process. PSE&G also agreed to submit to annual compliance monitoring for up to two years as part of the approved Stipulation and Consent Agreement (“Stipulation”).

On November 21, 2024, FERC issued Order No. 1920-A, which modified Order No. 1920 to expand the states’ roles in long-term transmission planning and clarified requirements for such planning as set forth in Order No. 1920. FERC made changes in three broad areas, amongst many other modifications: (1) expanding the role of state entities in the transmission planning process, (2) requiring transmission providers to create additional transmission planning scenarios to inform implementation of cost allocation methods upon the request of state entities, and (3) removing the requirement for transmission providers to include corporate financial commitments in Factor Category Seven when developing long-term transmission planning scenarios.

On December 5, 2024, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit heard oral arguments in Transource Pennsylvania LLC v. Steven M. Defrank, et.al. The case presents the question of potential tension between FERC’s exclusive authority over transmission planning and a state’s siting authority. The court has not yet decided the case.

On November 1, 2024, FERC Commissioners led a technical conference at their headquarters in Washington, DC, on issues pertaining to co-locating large loads at generating facilities. FERC Commissioners asked questions of individuals across the energy industry into how large loads, and data centers in particular, are impacting the grid and

On November 1, 2024, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”) rejected an amended Interconnection Service Agreement (“ISA”) filed by PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. (“PJM”) that proposed increasing the co-located data center load at a Susquehanna Nuclear, LLC (“Susquehanna”) nuclear generating facility. FERC held that PJM did not meet FERC’s “high burden”