On November 1, 2024, FERC Commissioners led a technical conference at their headquarters in Washington, DC, on issues pertaining to co-locating large loads at generating facilities. FERC Commissioners asked questions of individuals across the energy industry into how large loads, and data centers in particular, are impacting the grid and

On November 1, 2024, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”) rejected an amended Interconnection Service Agreement (“ISA”) filed by PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. (“PJM”) that proposed increasing the co-located data center load at a Susquehanna Nuclear, LLC (“Susquehanna”) nuclear generating facility. FERC held that PJM did not meet FERC’s “high burden”

Battery + Storage Podcast

In this episode, host Bill Derasmo welcomes Mike Hall, CEO of Anza Renewables. With more than 20 years of experience in the energy industry, Hall shares insights into the founding and growth of Anza in 2022. The discussion covers the importance of technology platforms, vendor relationships

On September 10, 2024, FERC issued an Order denying two complaints.  The first complaint was filed on January 23, 2023 by Montana-Dakota Utilities Company (“MDU”) against Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc. (“MISO”) and Southwest Power Pool, Inc. (“SPP”).  The second complaint was filed on March 8, 2024 by MISO against

On September 19, 2024, FERC approved Southwest Power Pool, Inc.’s (“SPP”) proposed tariff revisions allowing make-whole payments for incremental energy costs for offers affected by the incremental energy offer cost caps required by FERC’s Order No. 831. In doing so, FERC found that the tariff revisions appropriately provide an opportunity

On July 30, 2024, the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit (“D.C. Circuit”) issued an opinion vacating and remanding FERC’s order approving Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company’s (“Transco”) Regional Energy Access Expansion Project (“Project”) determining that FERC failed to consider environmental consequences and evidence suggesting

On September 19, 2024, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (“FERC”) denied Enerwise Global Technologies, LLC’s (“CPower”) complaint against PJM Interconnection, LLC (“PJM”) alleging that PJM’s Open Access Transmission Tariff (“Tariff”) was unjust, unreasonable, and unduly discriminatory because it prevents Curtailment Service Providers (“CSP”) from using approved statistical sampling rules to

The rapid growth in electric vehicle (EV) sales in the United States has created an urgent demand for robust EV charging infrastructure. The demand for EV charging infrastructure is driven by the need to ensure the benefits of EVs are fully realized. The EV industry has reached a critical tipping

On September 12, 2024, FERC’s Chief Accountant issued a notice of proposed accounting release (“NOPAR”) to modify the transferability of income tax credits (“ITCs”) related to certain energy projects under the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (“IRA”), which allows entities to monetize such ITCs via transfers to independent third parties

On September 10 and 11, 2024, FERC staff held a two-day workshop at its headquarters in Washington, DC on opportunities to further refine the generator interconnection queue process. Panelists and FERC staff discussed potential enhancements to transmission planning and processing interconnection requests over the course of six panels on discrete